When students attend class consistently, they often are exposed to the material more, and they have the opportunity to ask questions and learn from other students’ questions. They tend to participate in more active learning than those learning at home and build valuable connections with their instructors and peers. Track student attendance in our easy-to-use, customizable attendance tracker without having to leave eduCATE. Read more about attendance and student success here.
Quickly track attendance for dates and sessions configured in eCurriculum.
eduCATE’s ability to manage data extends beyond the gradebook. The system is capable of running several aggregate reports to help instructors and administrators gain a broader understanding of the course. Attendance reports can give information about attendance by section or individual student. These reports can give insight when evaluating scheduling and attendance policies and when determining final grades.
These features only get more useful when eduCATE is integrated with others systems; eKeeper stores a variety of information about students, faculty, and sites, and attendance data can be integrated. eMedley’s exciting new platform, ei3, is able to offer a vast amount of data analysis. Offering information, insight, and intelligence, ei3 takes aggregate data and offers intelligence about how to improve student and program success. Attendance reports are one part of ei3’s analysis, and they can pull directly from eduCATE.